Majority of the reasons why people have dandruff is because of poor nutrition. Poor nutrition can result from unstable and incorrect diet management, less intake of required nutrients, consuming too much junk food, and not drinking enough water. All these poor nutritional habits can greatly affect your overall health and what's more, your bad habits can manifest in a lot of ways including having dandruff.
If you continue with your poor eating habits, you'll likely suffer from dandruff more often than an average person would. Dandruff is a scalp condition which is not easy to cure. It can be intermittent; you don't have it now but you'll have it in as soon as a few days later. That's why dandruff is very frustrating.
Mineral Vitamin
Right nutrition accompanied with the right physical activity will result in good physical health and eventually to the riddance of dandruff naturally. Of course, popping vitamin supplements is not the only way that you need to do to keep you healthy. You also need to make up for what you've lost because of your poor eating habits. Good nutrition will keep your body in tip-top shape and your cells healthy. The health of your cells depends on your nutritional intake. Vitamins like A, C, E and B complex are proven to help cure dandruff,and minerals like calcium and zinc help establish the strength of your scalp to avoid conditions like flaking or dandruff. Vitamin A, C and E are natural antioxidants which get rid of toxins in the bloodstream. Naturally, it helps maintain the health of the skin of the entire body including the scalp. Vitamin B complex particularly B1 and B2 help in the health and distribution of hair and scalp care as well. Calcium and zinc are also good in the distribution of hair and scalp health.
Eating well for your hair is a great way to cure dandruff and help maintain beautiful hair and clean scalp. It is not something you need to think twice about because good nutrition is indeed to keep your body strong, and your scalp and hair healthy and dandruff-free.